martes, 10 de marzo de 2009


Sorrow… I am sorry… I could not do anything…You felt from the sky and now you are in front of me, asking me your help with your sad eyes…

I just watched your pain, I just saw you… but I did not do anything to help you… I am sorry, instead of helping you; I just push you to make you more hurt than you need…

I am sorry I could not do anything… Why it have to be this way?
Why in that time I could not become your hero?
I tried… but I did not know how painful I was being
I did not know the hurt that I did.
Since the start I wanted to protect you
I wanted to make you free…
So, you could fly around the sky…

I am sorry; I could just watch you silently…
Although you already gone, I won’t forget about you…

~~~~~~ [Verok-chan]~~~

PD: sorry for any english error..!

2 comentarios:

  1. mmmm me pare3ced haber leido estop antes o.o nhose xq ne serio xDmmmm weno me parece mmm medio a confesion o sino intento de cancion? xD mmmm me gutha xD

  2. hmm realmente es nueva, hmm realmente la razon por la que proviene es demasiado... omoshiroi! XD
