It is useless…
No matter how much I scream…
No matter how sad I am
No matter how much I care…
It seems nothing comes back
I am just giving…
Am I really doing my best?
Nobody hear you
They only want to talk and talk
But they do not feel like listening…
Even is they hear me… they do not understand
I am tired of listening the people…
I am tired of listening people’s shit
I am tired of the people telling me what to do or not
I want to listen myself
I want to find myself in this big world…
Or all this time I was only listening to myself?
Where is my mind?
Where is my heart?
When did I lose them?
Are they really here?
Am I alone again?..
I know pretty well…
The only person that can understand you in this world is yourself
But I do not even understand myself…
How can I live if I do not know who I am and what I want?
When did I lose myself?
When did my mind change?
Did my mind really change?
Or it is just this weird feeling in my heart?
All my hopes and dreams fade away
Where did they go?
Dreams are mean for sleeping (8)
That is what I hear
But then, some people say “be careful with what you wish because it can come true” (8)
What song should I listen then?
Which should I live the reality or the dream?
I am lost
But still I want to lost myself I little more…
I want to get out
No worries
I want to listen to myself and no one more
But why I ca not do it?
People say “of course you can, you just do not want to”
How that could be true?
Of course I want, but I do not how…
One more time
I do not know…
The insecure of the future
The sad memories of the past
And this hell present… fulls of wishes and hopes… the only thing we have huh?
Present it is the time…
You should not waste your time…
How do I know that I am wasting my time?
If your life can change just in a second…
It is because I am not determinate person?
It is because I do not have confident in me?
What should I do then?
Can someone tell me?
Of course they can, remember, they do not understand you…
You know this push and pull can make you tired…
They say live your life
And how do I know that I am living my life?
How do I know if this is the real happiness?
Should we create live rules?
Happiness rules? ...
If we break those rules then we will sad?
That is the reason why we feel sad?
Because we break happiness rules?....
Or we just decide to be sad?
Being sad or happy it is our decision…
But we all decide to be happy, so then why do we feel sad?
Should we burn our feelings?
But still they say feelings are the most precious thing in this world
But you know how damn they hurt you!!?
Do I have to put again a mask in my face?
To look like everything is OK
Everything is alright
But inside your heart is burning,
You can not breathe
You feel your heart breaking into pieces
You feel your breast aching
You want to run away but you can not..,
There is no place to go
DO SOREBA II!!? ど それば いい??
~~~~~~ [Verok-chan]~~~
PD: sorry for any english error!! >.<
i dont know what should i put in this, but i'll try.... first: u r not alone.... not again like u said, yeah there may be ppl that say that they understand u but they dont but at least they r listening to u or maybe trying to understand.... i'll listen whenever u want me to listen to u.... and u shouldent push urself... not wearing a mask again and show a face that isnt urs.... is u feel happy just show it if u r sad show it dont try to make u feel something that u r not feeling at all....