Hello, Good morning, aftermoon or evening... whatever...
This week i had 8 test @.@
It was three of history, another three of biology and two of maths...
So start with history, hmm first test i tought it was pretty easy,
i just had to read and answer some questions, all you need to know it was how to answer
and a little bit of cold war
Second test was about world wars, i choose the first word in 1914- 1918, but i say it was a limited war...
people told me that i got wrong that vietnam war was the limited war... but well i explain why i think is limited and why not... anyway.... xD the other question was... for what reasons did Fidel Castro of Cuba stay so long.. well .. i say all i knew about it..
And last test of history i wrote about the war in United States in 1860 and... about Cuba again? ... i do not remember LOL
Now, about biology test.... well first one i was pretty secure about my answers, but later talking with my friends and seeing others answers it looks like i did not went so good as i thought
the second test i did better :).. i knew a lot, i also draw the heart with all the stuff ^^
but i did not knew about human genome and training of multicellular membranes
Then, last test of biology it was about options.. i choose.. option A and E, about nutrients, food, diabetes and fenilalanina, and option E was about neurons, stimuli, brain, drugs... and i knew everything.... (happy happy) xD
AND FINALLY! THE VIOLATION!! xD the math test that fucked me two times
OMG that was HARD HARD HARD!!! i knew a little bit but well... i answer what i could .. and some other things i tried by another ways.. but pretty hard hard!! i know i will not pass...
So well, after today morning it was my second test...
i am shooked of myself
because i did not well in a test.. but i am not crying or angry
nothing xD i feel very happy and i do not care about my math score...
so it is amazing xD :) (happy that i do not care) XD
So, now i am writting because i did a lot of stuff today first of all i draw cute stuff around all my lefthand haa xD i was bored in english class.. and it looks like a TATOO xD... and second one... hmm i ate sushi!!! >.<>
This week i had 8 test @.@
It was three of history, another three of biology and two of maths...
So start with history, hmm first test i tought it was pretty easy,
i just had to read and answer some questions, all you need to know it was how to answer
and a little bit of cold war
Second test was about world wars, i choose the first word in 1914- 1918, but i say it was a limited war...
people told me that i got wrong that vietnam war was the limited war... but well i explain why i think is limited and why not... anyway.... xD the other question was... for what reasons did Fidel Castro of Cuba stay so long.. well .. i say all i knew about it..
And last test of history i wrote about the war in United States in 1860 and... about Cuba again? ... i do not remember LOL
Now, about biology test.... well first one i was pretty secure about my answers, but later talking with my friends and seeing others answers it looks like i did not went so good as i thought
the second test i did better :).. i knew a lot, i also draw the heart with all the stuff ^^
but i did not knew about human genome and training of multicellular membranes
Then, last test of biology it was about options.. i choose.. option A and E, about nutrients, food, diabetes and fenilalanina, and option E was about neurons, stimuli, brain, drugs... and i knew everything.... (happy happy) xD
AND FINALLY! THE VIOLATION!! xD the math test that fucked me two times
OMG that was HARD HARD HARD!!! i knew a little bit but well... i answer what i could .. and some other things i tried by another ways.. but pretty hard hard!! i know i will not pass...
So well, after today morning it was my second test...
i am shooked of myself
because i did not well in a test.. but i am not crying or angry
nothing xD i feel very happy and i do not care about my math score...
so it is amazing xD :) (happy that i do not care) XD
So, now i am writting because i did a lot of stuff today first of all i draw cute stuff around all my lefthand haa xD i was bored in english class.. and it looks like a TATOO xD... and second one... hmm i ate sushi!!! >.<>
And well next week i will have English and Spanish test!! So good luck, the best, and give me all the force!! >.<>.<>
GANBATTE NE!! ~~ how japanese say!
+ OIL! ~~ how chinese and taiwanese say xD
AYA AYA FIGHTING!!! >.< ~~ how corean says!!
DO YOUR BEST DONT GIVE UP! ~~~ how english people say xD
FORCA!! ~~ portuguese say
ÉXITO! SUERTE! HAZ LO MEJOR! NO TE RINDAS! ~~ how spanish people say
Oh i almost forgot, also last week i made something called "brownies" and "ranme" xD ha it is important to me because mother do not let me cook ... so well... later i will upload some photos >.<
PD: Sorry for any english error!!! >.<
PD: Sorry for any english error!!! >.<
Veronica nooo! >_< T___T tienes la maldicion de fatal frame 3 en la mano!! coño! que te dice de jugar a la ''R'' con esa tipa tatuada ah?! <_< ahora por no hacerme caso mira como quedastes! XDD haha fino ps esos examenes a la final sontodos violadores! y pensar que yo voy a presentar el de historia.. cuando slaga de esta cosa fea que tengo en los pulmones >_<... bueno en el examen de ingles y Castellano no mas puedo decir que suerte! x_x si fuera hacker te pusiera 20 en todas las notas xDD hahaha xD y bueno.. Fidel castro se mantubo en el poder por que era feo XD (?) +OIL XDD se dice asi no?