The seats with a yellow umbrella in the backyard
There it is...the place i want to go
There it is...the place i want to go
the place that will remember me the good days, the good friendships
a place where old friends will be...
a place where we could share the news, the best and worst times of our life
a place where no matter what we will laugh and have fun
a beautiful place...
No matter how appart we are...
no matter what paths we follow...
we will go there to have a talk with the people we love
a place where we do not have to wear masks
a place where we show the way we are...
our likes becomes everyone likes
our hates becomes everyone hates
where we will talk about the unfair of teachers and school
where we will ask help in any field we have problems
where we will look at the food and say " OMG no matter what i am eating a cat here"
we will sing and dance
say school does not have delicious food
a place where time and space does not matter
a beautiful memory to remember...
I won't forget those days no matter how old i will be
and for those people who share those moments with me, i will never forget them
Please, take care of yourself and do not forget about me
and i hope to see you next time in the seats with a yellow umbrella in the backyard
Sarangheyo ^^ Aya Aya fighting! Ganbatte + OIL ~~~ Let's stay together
let's not forget the beautiful memories of our past ~~~~

~~~~~~ [Verok-chan]~~~
PD: sorry for any english error!! >.< Also, sorry i have not take any photo of that place so i draw it on my pc xD hope you enjoy it ~
Hahahahah! so true!
ResponderEliminarEl tipo con la laptop me recuerda a Leo hahah siempre toma mi laptop para jugar counter-strike, ps si ese lugar es el mejor.. pero.. como es eso de ''our likes becomes everyones likes'' eso no puede ser asi nooo XD.. si a mi me gusta una chama a todos les va a gustar la misma tipa? XD eso esta mal! mal! xDDDDD pero genial! el sitio de la sombirlla es lo mejor .. seh siempre hay un gato atras Virolo que nos quiere quitar la comida que a la final nadie la soporta y no se la comen completa XDDDD hahah este post esta buenisimo :D