martes, 2 de junio de 2009

***Speak out***

What will I do with my time?
That is the big question everyone must ask
"What to do with the time that has been gave it to us?"
We should enjoy our life and feel like every little thing we are doing it is not a waste of time
... But somehow we need to waste our time no matter what we do it looks like we will always do something instead of doing another thing…
I could be learning Japanese or Korean or writing a story now... but I choose to write in this site why?
I do not know (LOL) I was just taking a shower and this website came up to my mind and I said "hmm should I write something there??" and well here I am!
Wasting my time? NO, NO, NO!! I am not wasting my time because this was something I choose to do, something that will make me feel at ease or relaxed

But more important it is something I wanted to do!
Because, you know there is a time for everything...
People say that but they do not know what time is for what!!?
They say that and then "first study and second party"
But there is time for everything right? If you do not feel like studying then you won't study at all, because you are not willing to do it... That is why you should do whatever it comes to your mind
That is enjoying the life?
But!! We can not just do whatever we want!!! We have to think about it... (Yeah this is when we say stupid logic)
We can not just jump from the 9th floor!! Because logic will tell us... “you will die men!!”
No matter how it looks...
Life has no sense and humans have no sense too!
Trying to understand something we ca not.
Trying to make rules for a "happy life"
Giving names to illness and sickness that are not true they are all in your mind... Sometimes when they tell you "you are sick, you maybe die" that will make you act like a sick person and you will feel sad because you are sick, but if you do not know you will enjoy your life and then you will just simply die without knowing from what.
Therefore, why are we, humans trying so much to make rules?
To understand something that does not have any meaning!
Then are the humans stupid?
Like when we try to explain what love it is...
We never complete understand what it is!
Doctor say something about hormones… whatever "testosterone" "progesterone"
Some other people say is "when you feel butterflies in your stomach"
"When you have some care for someone, or you need that someone in your life"
"When you want to make that special someone be happy"
I always said Love is the same as hate... but love it is positive way of caring for someone…
If you do not know how to hate then you do not know how to love... (
Or I said "when you love if when you are ready to let someone to hurt your heart"
"There is not love without pain"
"There is not dream without trying"
"To receive we have to give something"

~~~~~~ [Verok-chan]~~~

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