This one is from Shuffle characters, cause i admired the work of the mangaka (i dont know his name or her name) but i like very much the characters, and i started creating my own characters and seeing the character of the other mangas since i started seeing shufflecause before i just liked the drama and the story, but then i started seeing the
differents character you can see and how you can play with them ^^
Also this girl is the one i hated so much in shuffle... she was a @@@@@ >_> i dont like her at all
so i dont like the end of Shuffle because the boy of all the girls he choose this one just because she is sick >_>!
THIS ONE! is the girl i think he should have choice, because she always was taking care of himmaking his food, making his bed, cleaning the housebut that son of tha @@-# inteasd choose the other one >_>

this was pretty normal and pretty too!
THE BEST CHARACTER!!! she was the only one who didn't be a @@%%%&%
she was very funny
always making (*o*) this face when she saw something lovely hehe **Aiyoo***

i did all the characters, but i just put the ones i draw it best so this onewas no important but i like how i draw her xD
These are some draws i did in 2007, from a famous manga/anime called "Shuffle!"
These are part of my art production that i will be posting here :)
Enjoy it! ~~~
~~~~~~ [Verok-chan]~~~