domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2008

Life keep going after all

ha.. so yeah life keep going after all... i have passed by hard times, broken friendships, people death, layers and a thounsand of more pain...I have met people that dont deserve to be met, but as well.. i didn't know it... people had judge me for what i am not.. but they never will know the truth but i believe that i dont have to explain to people that dont mind myself..... soo.. also i believe in the first sight! the truw naturally of people, how they look at first maybe they are like that... so well first impressions really aren't good but after all you find that they are like that ...soo why i'm writting this? well.. cause i dont have anything better to do, why it isn't in spanish? cause spanish is soo sick it sounds better in english.. ^^!!BUT! everything turn soo happy when u meet people that deserve to be met and thas how good friends come in to your life! ^^and that friend is one that you never can let him go!!

~~~~~~ [Verok-chan]~~~

PD: Sorry for any eng/sp errors!

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